Meet with the Author,

Jeanie Garris


MAY 16 -18


StoryTelling is the oldest Entertainment Art form in History. From the Ancients to the Modern Press, Silver Screen and EBooks ‘The Best Story’ transcends reality into imagination with purpose…a ‘moral to the story.’

The great Icons of Tales inspire us to greater heights, encouraging our relationships with Family, Friends and CoWorkers. A multi-billion industry – Escape takes us away from the demands of daily life. Therefore, Books and Movies offer a great opportunity to refuel, revitalize and reinvent our courage to care. When good triumphs over evil and the least accomplishes the most, and when the underdog Wins—Audiences Win Too!

Statistically, Family-Friendly stories that challenge and empower the soul are Most Popular and ‘Classic’ Bound. Great Entertainment—ATRUSIA will deliver.

Nonetheless, Expect Resistance…from within.

Thank You! For supporting the new InSpiFi Genre – Inspirational Fiction. Please ask your local Book Merchants to add this New Genre to their selection choices.

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